18 January 2014

Minimum Wage

Thanks to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on June 25th 1938 this country took a step in a new direction for the Nation's social and economic development by signing into effect the Fair Labor Act of 1938. By setting a minimum wage and maximum hours, an employee can be required to work a week; the working class finally could finally start to enjoy the simple pleasures in life that were denied for so many others around the world.

The minimum wage has fluctuated tremendously since 1938 from the highest benefit to the working class in 1968, that would be equivalent to 10.56 today to the lowest benefit in 1948 that would be an equivalent of 3.81 today. Today the minimum wage is 7.25 in most states, but there have been 13 to increase the minimum to $11 in January 2014, which would be substantial if it was not a mere .44 cents raise from the highest point back in 1968.

According to Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), there are ample studies that state if the minimum wage laws kept up with the increasing rates of worker productivity, it would be $22 in 2013.

I strongly feel there should be an addendum to the minimum wage laws that states a maximum wage for corporations and the people who run them. For example if you work at McDonalds, you would need to work for over 1 million hours in order to make the same amount of money the CEO makes in just one. This is just ridiculous. We need to gather a voice of reason in this country to stop the corruption of capitalistic greed. If not a maximum wage, then something else that will keep the top 1% from consuming so much that the rest of the world is left in poverty.


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